Sunday, March 13, 2011

National Portrait Gallery

The logo is incredibly fitting to this museum. Simple, in portrait style, and moderately boring. The only interesting thing here is the spacing between letters to maintain the width of the logo. Otherwise, it is much more text-like than a logo.

Photo 1- Shakespeare

This portrait is of me. It best represents me because I'm balding (I think), but mostly Shakespeare is my favorite writer. Also at the time of drawing, I had some gross facial hair. My hair is getting longer, however I don't think it will go down. Instead, it will go up like an afro.

Photo 2- Sir George Abbiss

This is a picture of Karl as a cop. Mostly because of the moustache. Also, I saw Karl wear a tie once. It all makes sense in my head.

Picture 3- King James II

This is a picture of Brian Fossum because he has blonde flowing locks too. And wears poorly drawn clothing.

Picture 4-King George IV

Matt Apel. He's powerful. Also he should wear a watch on his chest because he's late to everything.

Picture 5- Thomas Hope

Max Florian likes peacocking. He would carry a huge stick and wear half pants, kind of like capris. 

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